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Assisted / Machine Seated Tricep Dips

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Assisted / Machine Seated Tricep Dips exercise illustraion diagram
Equipment required
Primary muscle group(s)
Assisted / Machine Seated Tricep Dips exercise muscle groups Assisted / Machine Seated Tricep Dips exercise primary muscle groups
  1. Sit at the Triceps Dip machine but make sure to brace your core throughout the movement. Place your hands on the bar with your elbows pointing behind you. Your arms will make a 90 degree angle.
  2. Slowly push down on the bars, focusing all the movement in your triceps.
  3. When you reach the bottom, pause and do not lock out your elbows. Slowly return to the starting position but do not let the weight touch the stack.
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Assisted / machine seated tricep dips is a gym work out exercise that targets triceps. Refer to the illustration diagram and instructions above for how to perform this exercise correctly. Trx suspension straps tricep extensions, assisted / machine seated tricep dips and gymnastic ring support position are related exercise that target the same muscle groups as assisted / machine seated tricep dips. Visit our free illustrated exercise directory for more exercises to try in your workouts.

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