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Push the intensity levels up a notch without the costly gym membership with this advanced training plan. Crank up your home stereo and prepare for battle!

8 weeks, 3 or 5 workouts/week
Get toned, Increase Endurance, Increase flexibility, Lose fat
23-45 minute workouts

The only equipment you’ll need for this entire plan is a couple of water bottles. The Home Run takes you on an intense fitness journey without the need for leaving your own home. Of course, you can always get out and perform the workouts in your local park or beach; however, we would advise keeping your battle cries to a minimum when in public.

The plan progresses you steeply but nothing you can’t handle. Consider it a treacherous mountain climb – it’ll be tough, but the peak is worth the journey. When you do reach the top, you’ll find that your muscles are much more toned, a large amount of your body fat has fled, and your cardio fitness level is exactly where it should be – sky high.

No preparation is needed for this plan, so what are you waiting for?

Read more Workout Builder and Printable Workouts
This training plan consists of easy-to-follow visual workouts, which you can print or access on any device.

You’ll find a warm-up and cool-down attached to some of the workouts in this plan. They’re there to prepare both the body and the mind for the main workout – don’t skip them if you have time. Nobody wants an injury and everybody wants to recover faster. Trust us, they’re worth the additional 5 – 10 minutes.

Each week is loaded with different styles of training: from high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to Tabata; from circuit training to resistance work and supersets. If you don’t understand some of these forms of training, don’t worry, we break it down.

If choosing the 5-day plan, take full advantage of the posture and mobility workouts that pop up every week. They’ll help you recover faster as well as better prepare you for workouts to come.

The extra-credit cardio and ab workouts are optional. If you’re feeling like you need an extra boost here or there, take them on. But they’re not the priority workouts for each week.

Notes are included with every single workout as well as instructions for performing each exercise – don’t forget to review those before attempting each unfamiliar movement.

Stay hydrated! Water is lost a lot faster than you think and dehydration can creep up on you. Sip that water, regularly, before you feel thirsty and you’ll keep dehydration at bay. Aim to go through at least 14 to 20 ounces of water per workout!

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